Monday, November 1, 2010

All I Ask...

I'm usually very demanding and discriminating when it comes to evaluating movies...

Nevertheless, I will go see Burlesque when it opens later this month. Lord knows I've enjoyed a lot of films, even of late. This is not about enjoying and respecting a film. I can't for the life of me remember the last time I had fun at the movies. I'm talking me as an eight-year-old, watching Timon and Pumba sing "Hakuna Matata," honest-to-goodness fun. So for Burlesque, I have only one request. And it's a small one. I hope the filmmakers have obliged.

If (if?) Burlesque absolutely must be least have the good taste to make it very very bad. I'm talking Showgirls bad. I need this.

That is all.

1 comment:

Simon said...

And it will be, guy. It has to.